Initial impressions of Android Wear - Sony Smartwatch 3
Initial impressions of Android Wear - On a Sony Smartwatch 3 Official Sony Site for Smartwatch3 Reason for Buying the watch – built in GPS Android wear is out a while (March 2014 Google I/O conference) and there is renewed interest given the Apple Watch pre-ordering frenzy. I have to admit I considered the smartwatch phenomenon a bit of a gimmick with little real usefulness, I already spend 8+ hours a day on a laptop, bring an iPad Air into meetings and use a Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone, why do I need another screen with tiny text and 2 to 3 day battery life its yet another thing to remember to plug in I’m moderately active so with a birthday coming up my wife was asking me what I’d like as a present I started looking into GPS running watches. Some of the fitbands (such as Jawbone, Fitbit etc.) are just pedometers wouldn’t have the accuracy to give distance and lap page (running per mile) so I looked into GPS watches such as Garmin forerunner ranges....