
Predictive Analytics Vs Prescriptive Analytics - BI maturity

We have been doing product research on statistical analysis techniques such as regression analysis to examine Asset downtime for the PEMAC Assets products . This examines historical events of Equipment downtime and spots trends and patterns to predict a likely failure before it happens. This can be using IoT feeds from equipment such as runtime hours and diagnostic codes as well as previous breakdown history and mean time to failure (MTTF). The use of open source tools such as the R language for statistical modelling has a steep learning curve but can produce some interesting insights. This article from Industrial IoT was interesting because it extends the concept of not just surfacing a potential issue but also "prescriptively" telling you what to do about it. So , the predictive analytics would identify an issue such as potential Downtime event for an Asset. Rather than just highlight the issue, "Prescriptive Analytics" tell you w...

Agile Tool : Axosoft OnTime - How to build a Starwars Death Star using Agile

After a review of several Agile SCRUM software development tools (including VersionOne, Pivotal) back in 2012 I chose AxoSoft Ontime as the Agile project management tool and have to say its really gone from strength to strength ever since.  Reliable, constantly updating and very flexible in terms of how to find and display information its worked well for PEMAC Software with our teams of up to 15 Developers and Testers. I've used their SCRUM diagram (also available in PDF ) many time to explain Scrum concepts to NSAI Auditors  for ISO compliance and to customers during Vendor Audits and find it quite intuitive However they've also release a humorous blog post that they are now using in their samples and "whats new" guides for new releases.  Its a useful guide for non-techies with practical examples of Planning releases, Burndowns, Daily Standup meetings   How Axosoft Helped Us Build a Death Star and Crush a Rebellion  

Android Doze mode, take your phone out of your pocket

I recently upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S5 to Android marshmallow but did not notice any improvement in battery life which got me  wondering.... so I looked into Android doze  (youtube) which is the main features of Android marshmallow and will also be in the next version Android N. 2 to 4 times the battery life is claimed by Google but this sounds a little optimistic To get the benefit your phone needs to be stationary for example sitting on your desk So, linking this to the previous Android wear SmartWatch post, it looks is a useful companion once in Bluetooth signal range of your phone.  More i nformation here 

Phone apps - the Installed Apps model is no longer workable

When we think of the current model of installing apps on your phone or tablet the user experience seems a little convoluted. Find in App store, install, review some security rights (although no-one knows what do about them), update, move Icon shortcuts on home screens.  Multiply this by lots of apps in your iOS or Android app drawer and it quickly becomes pretty unusable. The great stories about app developers creating multi-million euro revenues are few and far between.  There's been lots of analysis of App usage but most apps stay unused or get uninstalled quickly  apart from the top apps like Facebook (from analysis of 125 Million phones) This has all sorts of implications for the on-boarding experience to keep new users engaged but most will lose 80% of their users within 90 days. There are marketplaces dedicated to giving you the source code for clone apps such as Chupamobile   The majority of apps get installed and are quickly forgotten ab...

Initial impressions of Android Wear - Sony Smartwatch 3

Initial impressions of Android Wear - On a Sony Smartwatch 3  Official Sony Site for Smartwatch3 Reason for Buying the watch – built in GPS Android wear is out a while (March 2014 Google I/O conference) and there is renewed interest given the Apple Watch pre-ordering frenzy. I have to admit I considered the smartwatch phenomenon a bit of a gimmick with little real usefulness, I already spend 8+ hours a day on a laptop, bring an iPad Air into meetings and use a Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone, why do I need another screen with tiny text and 2 to 3 day battery life its yet another thing to remember to plug in I’m moderately active so with a birthday coming up my wife was asking me what I’d like as a present I started looking into GPS running watches. Some of the fitbands (such as Jawbone, Fitbit etc.) are just pedometers wouldn’t have the accuracy to give distance and lap page (running per mile) so I looked into GPS watches such as Garmin forerunner ranges....